Why Useful Content is Vital to Your Marketing Strategy
Content is a vital component of your marketing.
Content educates your prospective and existing clients. Content demonstrates your knowledge, skills and expertise. Content creates confidence.
But what is marketing content (or content for short)? It is valuable information that your target market will find useful. In content, you share hints, tips and advice that educates your client and builds trust with them.
Most legal content:
- ✓ Highlights problems and time bombs most individuals and businesses are unaware of.
- ✓ Explains situations or circumstances and what action people or companies can take
- ✓ Makes it easy for people to understand what they must or must not do, for example when employing someone, buying or selling a business or property, getting a dicorce, writing a Will etc.
It also needs to have a call to action. While it is not copy, and content that is one long sales pitch will not work, you do need to have a call to action. This could be as simple as contacting you for more information or discussing their options as outlined in your content.
3 Reasons Why Solicitors and Barristers Need Content
There are several reasons that content is vital for the legal profession:
1. You must educate your clients so they know why and when they need your services. Many people do not understand why it is important to have a Will, have their Mems and Arts produced by a solicitor rather than by a company formation web site, have a set of Terms and Conditions designed for them rather than modify a template. Your content helps them understand why they need legal support and when best to seek it.
2. Content creates confidence. It shows that you know your subject and, importantly, you can explain it in a way that laypeople can understand. Nobody trusts someone who makes them feel stupid. By explaining what you do people trust you.
3. It shows them what they are paying for. A modern trend is for people to think that everything is easy and can be done in 5 minutes. People tend to discount the experience, knowledge and expertise that it has taken professionals years of study and hard work to develop. Content highlights the knowledge, expertise and time required to get a good result- whether this is a legal outcome, a watertight contract or document, an effective Will etc.
Content is a key part of marketing. Good content raises your profile, enhances your reputation, boosts your credibility and engenders confidence in your prospects. It also ensures that your prospective and current clients know when to contact you and ask for your support.
We urge you to contact us on 0121 262 4225 or at contact@TheMarketingEngineer.co.uk if you would like some support. We look forward to hearing from you.
Types of Content
You can rely on us to produce:
✐ Articles
- ✐ Legal updates
- ✐ e-guides
- ✐ e-books and Books
- ✐ Whitepapers
- ✐ e-newsletters
- ✐ Newsletters
- ✐ Slideshare presentations
- ✐ Scripts for podcasts or videos
If you want something extra-special, we also write amusing podcast scripts which engage, entertain and educate your target market.