Things we can do for you
In fact, anywhere that you are influencing someone you will find copywriting.
There is a definite skill to copywriting. Amongst other things you must:
- Grab their attention
- Make a connection with them
- Make them want to do something about their situation (whether this is avoiding a pain or achieving a gain)
- Show how you can help them
- Build trust
- Get them to act
These things are neither easy or straightforward.
Let me be honest. Most copywriting is “bang your head against the wall” bad. It is truly awful. In many cases, and especially with professional service providers, it is often incomprehensible to someone outside the profession and it is firmly fixated on the company doing the selling rather than the client who is doing the buying.
Copywriting must compel attention, generate interest, create desire and lead to action. This is the oldest copywriting formula that I know. There are many more.
However, none of these formulas work without an understanding of your target market, knowledge of their needs and wants, an appreciation of their values and experience in copywriting.
Experience tells you which formula to use, how much time you need to spend on each step of it, which words work best for which target markets, how to position your offering in the marketplace and where to put key information as well as a host of other things. All these factors play a vital part.
Unfortunately, many business owners or the marketing person for the company decide to write their own copy with no experience and little understanding of how to do it. These same people would not choose to do their own graphic design or try and build their own web site but they will have a go at writing copy.
Like graphic design and web site building, copywriting is a technical skill. The difference is that people while many people cannot do graphic design or build web sites, they can write. The question is “are their words effective or not?”
Several factors determine the effectiveness of your copy. Key ones include:
- Having an excellent understanding of your target market including their frustrations and goals
- Understanding your target markets’ motivations and values
- Knowing all the features, benefits and emotional benefits associated with your service
- Knowing how to establish rapport and generate trust with them
- Being able to take them through from attention to action
We can help you with your copywriting either through attending one of our copywriting workshops or asking us to create the compelling copy that you need.
You are invited to contact us today.
P.S. A P.S. like this increases your response rate dramatically. I’ve used it in e-mail campaigns and have doubled the response. If you would like more helpful hints like this, then contact us.

Richard is our first point for all our new content requirements. Richard writes compelling content that people actually want to read which has helped us generate more traffic through our blog posts, case studies and digital brochures. He has a unique writing style that encourages people to read on, increasing dwell time which results in more prospects getting in touch with the firm and ultimately increased our client conversion rate.

Richard has worked with Nelsons’ Fusion Legal network for the last 2 years providing business development training and strategic consultancy for our member law firms.
Richard is like a breath of fresh air! Not only is he an engaging and entertaining speaker,he also understands the challenges which our member firms face in an increasingly competitive market.

Richard has worked with the Hub.Legal network for a couple of years, providing training on Business Development strategy, directly to member firms and presenting at our annual Practice Management Days. Richard conveys, in an engaging way, essential information on Business Development that lawyers need to grasp, now, as part of their own commercial strategy.

Richard presented ay the Annual CIMA Members In Practice Conference at Heythrop Park, Oxfordshire this weekend. As a speaker on the main stage not only was he engaging and interesting but his content was very relevant for the audience who are mainly sole practitioners.
These professionals have left the world of employment and are wanting to understand how best to market themselves and make themselves different to their competitors. This he explained begins with understanding the SMART marketing process of understand what and when you want to achieve it. Thanks again Richard you were a great hit with the crowd.

I have known Richard for some years and from my first meeting with him I realised that he had a great deal more to offer than just the run of the mill marketing experts.
His strategic and intelligent approach to marketing has been a guide that I have kept in view whilst growing my business. He really gets to the heart of the business and specifically the legal sector with gusto and enthusiasm. Don’t be taken off guard with his hearty laugh he is a consummate professional and an asset to your business irrespective of size or sector.